Ben Johnson - If the media were competent, the name Jodie Evans would be as well-known as Jeremiah Wright.
According to
Ralph Nader’s
Public Citizen, Evans has
bundled “at least $50,000” in donations for Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. “Bundling” is a process in which people turn over a large number of “individual” political contributions as a group, in the hope of exerting greater influence if their candidate is elected.
According to Human Events reporter Catherine Moy, “Evans and her son, a student who lives at her Southern California address, each also gave the maximum individual allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.”
And who is
Jodie Evans? A former political appointee of Jerry Brown during his tenure as governor of California and his presidential campaigns, Evans briefly made headlines in 2003 by arranging for women to claim Arnold Schwarzenegger groped them. However, she has kept lower company for the last few years. Her official biography
states “her life has been consumed with Codepink: Women for Peace since September of 2002.”
In fact, Evans is a co-founder of the antiwar radical group
Code Pink with
Medea Benjamin. As
I reported at the time, Evans and Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies to
“the other side” in Fallujah in December 2004. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA, signed the letter to get them to that city, a recent battlefield and stronghold for terrorists killing American soldiers.